Single Session Therapy

SST is a short-term tool for managing problems or emotional distress. In this instance, it is provided by a qualified psychologist who is trained in treatment of mental health conditions but also transitional or situational stress.  Professional advice is given as a one off and based subjectively on the client’s presenting problems at the time. Clients are given tools to deal with the specific issue and guidance for improved coping moving forward. Please note that this service still falls within the professional boundaries and ethics of psychological treatment i.e., confidentiality clauses and risk management.  Clients are also advised that the efficacy of these sessions will be limited due to the nature of the appointment type and does not replace ‘traditional treatments’ or advice from your regular healthcare providers.

The client may be seen individually, with another person or a small group within the single session. Particularly in this session it will include what brought the client in for the session that day, what they have already tried in the past and a review of their strengths and provide solutions to the clients’ problems. There will be a follow up phone call after the session for either an evaluation or if the client would like to book in more therapy sessions.

SST is only available via zoom calls and paid online prior to the confirmation of the booking.  The terms and conditions are located in the online booking website before the appointment is confirmed.