3h hrs from Sydney

on traditional land of the Gringai People

The MindREset program

The power of nature has long been proven to have positive benefits to one’s wellbeing. Ecotherapy is possibly one of the underutilised forms of treatment. Nature-based interventions have been shown to improve mental and physical health. Further it aims to counterbalance the stress of modern life through stress reduction, boost immune function, improve mood and cognitive function.

A partnership with Unyoked, Dr Aileen delivers an exclusively ONLINE program
that aims to cut through the noise of the daily grind and utilise psychology, neuroscience with nature in an experiential format that will give you a new lease on life. The MindREset program provides just that, a way to connect with yourself using the benefits of nature with tools that are backed by science that no other self-help activities or therapy can do solely. Designed as a circuit breaker for those wishing to be proactive in creating a positive wellbeing or the time-poor, highly stressed or burnt-out individuals looking for a way to break the cycle and reset.

The program is ideal for those anywhere in Australia. NZ and the UK (where Unyoked cabins can be found). The program consists of 2 x 1:1 sessions scheduled before and after a 2-3 night nature stay at one of the unyoked cabins.

Get mental clarity and create the life that you want and deserve. Mindset Psychology X Unyoked believe in the power of action (and slowing down)

Don’t just take our word for it, read about the research that supports the concept that nature is good for your wellbeing here – https://www.unyoked.co/science

I felt noticeably lighter in myself. As if a weight was being lifted off my shoulders as I breathed in the fresh air.

-Dr. Aileen Alegado

Unyoked ambassador and clinical psychologist, Dr Aileen Alegado shares how time in nature helped her supercharge her mental health and wellbeing.





Ready to reset your mind and create positive change? If you are interested to learn more about the MindRESet program, click on the link and let us know your details so we can start your journey toward mental clarity and a life you deserve.